Tuesday 10 November 2009

The Worst Pub's In Britain

-Big lils in Leeds is rumored to have once had the house policy of ‘a guaranteed nose breaking with every pint’.

Situated just off Kirkgate in the city, the bar should be approached with some trepidation.

Its exterior is much like its customers, Shabby and weather beaten. Bouncers control the door at all times, even at 9 in the morning, when ruddy-faced men queue outside, eager to get their morning nectar.

The inside of Big lils is decked out like a poor appropriation of a Spaghetti Western movie set, Complete with mounted saddles and hourly line dancing.

Lil, the longstanding publican serves behind the bar wearing a ten-gallon hat and cowboy boots. Lil is a no nonsense type of woman who the phrase ‘big boned’ could have been invented for.

Lils often states that her patrons are ‘salt of the earth’. She may be a little more accurate if she replaced ‘salt of’ with ‘total’ and ‘the earth’ with ‘scumbags’.

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