Tuesday 10 November 2009

The Sun's Disgust At Drunken Students

The Sun is up in arms. The current bone of contention is bloody students making a bloody nuisance of themselves.

The paper has reported last week how a 19-year-old “lout” was caught urinating on a war memorial in Sheffield.

The over-zealous pee-er had been partaking in a pub-crawl organised by events company Carnage UK.

If the Sun are to believed these students are descending on our good nations city centres like a plague of Alco-pop fuelled locusts.

They then retreat to the greasy confines of Kebab shops leaving the streets awash with more vomit and bodily fluids than a bacchanalian orgy.

Mild mannered middle class girls become dreadful harlots; “One girl has the word "Enter" scrawled just above her knicker line with an arrow pointing downwards.” It reports, disgusted.

“Another proudly has the words: "I'll **** you any way you want" emblazoned on her back." I’m not sure what **** even means, but it sounds pretty shocking.

Concerned parents of British students can find reassurance however, by casting any eye over the Atlantic and checking out what students are getting up to in good old U S of A.

There is a whole slice of the sex industry dedicated to what students get up to when “letting off steam” during their spring break.

On the milder end of the spectrum we have girls flashing their breasts at beach parties in exchange for free shots.

After-dark things get a little bit seamier. Girls are caught on camera engaging in group-sex while hordes of drunken revellers gather round and cheer them on.

Anyone keen to investigate need only check out the fine motion pictures ‘Spring break virgins’, ‘Spring break orgy’ and the ‘Spring break sex party’.

In comparison it makes our students look like exactly what they are, 18-year-old’s let loose, hormones raging, looking to have some silly irresponsible fun.

So looking over to America, land of the free and home of the brave. I ask you to join in after me and sing, “O! Say can you see! By the dawn’s early light!”

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