Monday 8 February 2010

Taking the Drug Mephedrone aka M-Cat aka Meow Meow

I'm Currently working on a piece about the Drug Mephedrone/M-Cat/Meow Meow . This is a little taster

My legs have gone hollow. I look down. They’re still there, but I can barely feel them. Just to make sure they are still there I decide to do a little dance. The resulting dance looks like a cross between checking for shit on my shoes and a drunken river dance style Irish jig.

People in the bar are staring now and their stares are making the room spin. I turn to my companion, he isn’t there, some other man has replaced him, this other man is trying to be just like him, I know his game, he’s trying to convince me that he is my absent pal. I won’t fall for that, my friend is bald; this fellow has a full head of thick black hair. But he talks just like him. I become scared, who is this imposter and what does he want from me?

I look at my watch, it says 1.20am. The imposter continues to talk for a few minutes. I nod and smile, trying to suss him out, trying to find out what he has done to my friend. I check my watch again. It says 4.10am. It occurs to me I am very, very high. From this point my memory draws a blank.

Some days later, after the 48 hour migraine, the stomach cramps and the sickness, I have a realisation. The imposter was not in fact some shadowy charlatan. It was not an impersonator hell-bent on doing me harm. It was my pal wearing a woolly hat.

And the cause for this lapse in sanity? This break in the space time continuum? Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, may I introduce to you the all new, all singing, all dancing, yet to be classified club drug of the moment...Mephedrone a.k.a M-Cat a.k.a Meow Meow.

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